JavaScript Debugging

Categories javascript Tags debugging console-api

Use the console

There’s more to the console than just console.log().



Displays an interactive list of the properties of the provided object. I believe this was a bigger deal with Internet Explorer debugging. It’s been a while, but I believe in IE, console.log(object) would call result in the highly useful "[object Object]" whereas console.dir(object) would list the properties. There’s less of a distinction in Firefox and Chrome.

In Firefox, console.dir(object) will print the inspectable object expanded automatically to the first layer.

Comparing console.log and console.dir output in JavaScript Debugger

console.log() vs console.dir() / .groupEnd()

Group a set of messages together, useful when looping to group each loop’s messages together.


Print out a table, useful for comparing objects with the same properties.

console.time() / .timeEnd()

Measure performance of a chunk of code.

User Timing API

The User Timing API provides a way to mark points in the browser performance tools. It’s a much better alternative then expaning a bunch of anonymous methods and drilling down to find a click event.


Adds an entry with a timestamp in the performance buffer.

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